Once again I wanted to draw everyone's attention to the 
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory 2012 X-ray Methods in Structural Biology 
course which will take place
October 15 through October 30, 2012.

The official course announcement is here:

I think the course is an outstanding place to learn both the theoretical and 
practical aspects of Macromolecular Crystallography because of the extensive 
lectures from world-renowned teachers and the hands-on experiments.

Just recently, David Piston of Vanderbilt noted ("Understanding how it works" 
(2012) Nature 484, pp 440-441) that
"We need to do a better job of teaching students how techniques work before 
they start using them.”  The CSHL course has tried to do that since it was 
first held in 1988 25 years ago when Alex McPherson, Hans Deisenhofer, Alwyn 
Jones, and Jim Remington joined me for 2 weeks of fun and hard work.  

This year's course will see the return of the long-time instruction team of 
Alex McPherson, Gary Gilliland, Bill Furey and myself along with many talented 
experts to help us give the participants an experience in Macromolecular 
Crystallography learning that cannot be found anywhere else.  (The 
student:teacher ratio ends up to be about 1:1).  We expect to have the 
participants crystallize several proteins and determine their structures all in 
about two weeks.

The course is limited to 16 participants due to the very hands-on nature of the 
experiments and the intimate seminar room.  Please check the above web site for 
more details.

If anyone has any questions, please send me e-mail, I will be happy to answer 
all queries.


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