I have a jiffy script for just that here:


you run it like this:
./rmsd model1.pdb model2.pdb

output looks like this:
1156 atom pairs found
RMSD(CA )= 0.516368 (129 CA pairs)
RMSD(all)= 0.506422 (1156 atom pairs)
RMSD(Bfac)= 0.489973
MAXD(all)= 1.23212      for   N   PRO    79
MAXD(Bfac)= 1.69        for   CA  GLY   102

Doesn't need a special version of awk, but you may have to edit the top line to reflect where "awk" is on your computer. Sometimes its in /bin/awk, or /usr/bin/awk, or (for some reason) /usr/share/awk

-James Holton
MAD Scientist

On 6/19/2012 8:04 AM, Claudia Millán Nebot wrote:
Hello everyone :)

I would like to know if it exist some tool that allows to calculate RMSD between 2 pdbs that are identic, but just displaced in space. It should not make a superposition, beause if this is the case it will just say that RMSD is 0 . I know is not such a difficult problem in terms of scripting, but i was wondering if there are tools already.

Claudia Millán (cmn...@ibmb.csic.es <mailto:cmn...@ibmb.csic.es>)

Institut de Biologia Molecular de Barcelona (IBMB-CSIC)

Barcelona, Spain

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