We at CCP4 are pleased to announce that the online archive of CCP4
Newsletter articles is now finally complete. We located hard copies of the
previously missing editions 1 to 29, scanned them and are hosting the
resulting PDFs on our website:


As we occasionally received requests for old articles, we hope that this
complete archive will be of use to the community. Certainly browsing the
old editions will be useful for anybody interested in the history of CCP4 -
and dare I say a little nostalgic for some of you out there ;-). The first
issue, dated October 1979, and when the newsletter was called the Daresbury
Laboratory Information Quarterly for Protein Crystallography, describes the
nascent days of the "Collaborative Computational Project in Protein
Crystallography", shortly after the project was first approved. The first
article proper is perhaps unsurprisingly about a data format; a regular
theme for the newsletter. The editorial of that first edition ends with
this paragraph, which of course remains true today:

Please note that the main aim of the newsletter is to keep people informed
> of the work being carried out by the CCP and of which programs are
> available for general use. We will therefore rely upon your contributions
> for future editions!

Happy reading.

-- David

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