
CORRECT does scale the data. XSCALE is only needed for two or more datasets, or 
if other requirements exist - you named one.

The two varieties of FRIEDEL'S_LAW differ in their rejections!



Sebastiano Pasqualato <> schrieb:

>Thanks to Kay and Tim or the feedback.
>The reason I wanted to get statistics from the CORRECT step of XDS is
>that I have refined a structure using the mtz output by the GO.COM
>automatic reduction routine of SLS beamline PXIII, which does not
>involve a scaling step (I discovered recently).
>I was willing to have the integration statistics of the reflection file
>I used in the refinement's high resolution bin.
>I will definitely give xprep a try.
>Another question that raised by looking deeper into their automatic
>procedure (thanks Meitian for the help) is that when integrating with
>XDS CORRECT keeping the FRIEDEL'S_LAW=TRUE or =FALSE I get a different
>number of reflections in the final mtz.
>In my case, if I run the same XDS.INP script and change only the
>FRIEDEL'S_LAW flag, I obtain:
>=TRUE: 11551 reflections
> *  Resolution Range :
>    0.00043    0.11138     (     48.225 -      2.996 A )
> * Sort Order :
>      1     2     3     0     0
> * Space group = 'P 3 2 1' (number     150)
> OVERALL FILE STATISTICS for resolution range   0.000 -   0.111
> ======================= 
>Col Sort    Min    Max    Num      %     Mean     Mean   Resolution  
>Type Column
>num order               Missing complete          abs.   Low    High   
>   label 
>1 ASC      0      29      0  100.00     13.7     13.7  48.22   3.00   H
> H
>2 NONE     0      16      0  100.00      4.7      4.7  48.22   3.00   H
> K
>3 NONE   -32      32      0  100.00      0.5     12.2  48.22   3.00   H
> L
>4 NONE    1.4   292.0     0  100.00    19.40    19.40  48.22   3.00   F
> FP
>5 NONE    0.1     4.3     0  100.00     0.70     0.70  48.22   3.00   Q
>6 NONE    0.0     1.0     0  100.00     0.95     0.95  48.22   3.00   I
> FreeRflag
> No. of reflections used in FILE STATISTICS    11551
>=FALSE: 11643 reflections
>* Cell Dimensions : (obsolete - refer to dataset cell dimensions above)
>  100.5450  100.5450   96.4500   90.0000   90.0000  120.0000 
> *  Resolution Range :
>    0.00043    0.11138     (     48.225 -      2.996 A )
> * Sort Order :
>      1     2     3     0     0
> * Space group = 'P 3 2 1' (number     150)
> OVERALL FILE STATISTICS for resolution range   0.000 -   0.111
> ======================= 
>Col Sort    Min    Max    Num      %     Mean     Mean   Resolution  
>Type Column
>num order               Missing complete          abs.   Low    High   
>   label 
>1 ASC      0      29      0  100.00     13.7     13.7  48.22   3.00   H
> H
>2 NONE     0      16      0  100.00      4.7      4.7  48.22   3.00   H
> K
>3 NONE   -32      32      0  100.00      0.5     12.2  48.22   3.00   H
> L
>4 NONE    1.4   291.9     0  100.00    19.40    19.40  48.22   3.00   F
> FP
>5 NONE    0.1     4.3     0  100.00     0.67     0.67  48.22   3.00   Q
>6 NONE  -13.6    13.2    69   99.41    -0.01     0.69  48.22   3.00   D
>7 NONE    0.0     5.7    69   99.41     1.13     1.13  48.22   3.00   Q
>8 NONE     0       2      0  100.00      0.0      0.0  48.22   3.00   Y
>9 NONE    0.0     1.0     0  100.00     0.95     0.95  48.22   3.00   I
> FreeRflag
> No. of reflections used in FILE STATISTICS    11643
>Aren't they supposed to be the exact same number?
>On Jan 16, 2013, at 1:12 PM, Tim Gruene <>
>> Hash: SHA1
>> Dear Sebastiano,
>> you could use xprep to get the statistics in user defined resolution
>> shells.
>> Out of curiosity: Would you mind sharing why you want to do this and
>> why you don't want to use the XSCALE statistics instead? The
>> statistics are probably more meaningful after scaling, I guess.
>> Best,
>> Tim
>> On 01/15/2013 04:22 PM, Sebastiano Pasqualato wrote:
>>> Hi all, I was wondering if XDS allows to change the number of
>>> resolution bins appearing in the table:
>>> of CORRECT.LP.
>>> Please, note that I am not referring to the table output by XSCALE,
>>> in which you can change the resolution bins with the keyword
>>> RESOLUTION_SHELLS=, but rather the table output by the CORRECT job
>>> of XDS.
>>> Thanks in advance, ciao, Sebastiano
>> - -- 
>> - --
>> Dr Tim Gruene
>> Institut fuer anorganische Chemie
>> Tammannstr. 4
>> D-37077 Goettingen
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>Sebastiano Pasqualato, PhD
>Crystallography Unit
>Department of Experimental Oncology
>European Institute of Oncology
>IFOM-IEO Campus
>via Adamello, 16
>20139 - Milano
>tel +39 02 9437 5167
>fax +39 02 9437 5990
>please note the change in email address!

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