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Dear Ed,

I do feel offended because I follow the ccp4bb with the intention of
helping people with my answers, which does take time. If it turns out
the I wasted my time because of the lack of information I consider the
question asked not follow what I consider netiquette. I doubt that one
line from a PDB file or the point that you have used pbdvconv before
(especially in case you were aware of the problem being due to a
simple shift - of course I do not know whether you were aware of it
when opening the thread) and it failed would have revealed any
information that would give your competitors any advantage, but it
would have narrowed down the problem and probably the number of people
spending time trying to find and give a helpful answer.


On 05/22/2013 07:55 PM, Ed Pozharski wrote:
> On Wed, 2013-05-22 at 18:09 +0200, Tim Gruene wrote:
>> the answers you received were correct with respect to the 
>> question you asked. If they are not satisfactory, you have not 
>> given sufficient information.
> Tim,
> Not sure when I expressed any dissatisfaction with replies I 
> received. I asked whether someone had a simple tool to turn v3 DNA 
> records back to v2.  I got an excellent off-list suggestion to use 
> Remediator tool from kinemage/molprobity (writen by Jeff Headd and 
> Robert Immormino).
> It was probably easy to guess that I tried pdbvconv and ran into 
> problems (in fact, buster takes care of conversion internally 
> unless it fails).  I appreciate your initial comment that pdbvconv 
> works for you and was simply pointing out that my observations are 
> not of general nature and obviously specific to a particular file
> I was trying to convert.  It appears that you were offended by
> that and if so, it was not my intent.  In my defense, I only asked
> for available conversion tools and did not ask specifically for
> help with pdbvconv. With this in mind, I hope I can be forgiven for
> not posting unpublished structural model on a bulletin board in
> order to provide sufficient information for answering a question I
> did not ask.
> If you are interested in specifics, the problem was that some other
> program made residue names left-justified.
> Cheers,
> Ed.

- -- 
Dr Tim Gruene
Institut fuer anorganische Chemie
Tammannstr. 4
D-37077 Goettingen

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