On Monday, 22 July 2013, Katherine Donovan wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have a data set that was collected to about 2.2A, which I have processed in 
> either P21 (to 2.4 A) or C2221 (2.25A).

So I'm confused.
You may not know what the spacegroup is, but you are processing
the same spots either way.  Why would you choose different
resolutions for the two processing runs?

> I am unsure which space group is more correct.
> I have a higher symmetry space group with higher resolution and average 
> statistics or a lower symmetry space group with lower resolution and great 
> statistics.

By "great statistics", do you mean the refined R/Rfree in P21?
But you refined that model as a twin, which means that
the R factors are expected to be lower.  Refining as a twin
always produces lower R factors, whether or not the structure
really is twinned.

It doesn't make sense to me that you would compare at two 
different resolutions.  It's the _same data_ in either case.
If you refine two different models against the same data,
then you have a legitimate basis on which to compare them.
This way - not really.

Which brings up the point that something seems to have
gone wrong in one of your processing runs.
Both runs claim mean (I/sigI) in the outer shell is 2.0,
but in one case this is for the 2.4A shell and in the other case
it's for the 2.2A shell.  That is unlikely to be correct.
I/sigI should not depend on the Laue group. 

If it were me, I'd forget about monoclinic.
Also I'd try to push the data processing in orthorhombic
to a bit higher resolution.  Mean I/sig(I) of 2 in the 2.2A shell
leads me to think you would still be adding information
from reflections at 2.1A or even 2.0A. 


> The statistics provided by aimless below.
> Any help would be hugely appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Katherine
> P21
> P21 and cut the data to 2.4A for a Mn I/sd > 2.
> Average unit cell:   74.68    130  129.2        90  106.8     90
>                                            Overall  InnerShell  OuterShell
> Low resolution limit                       48.09     48.09      2.44
> High resolution limit                       2.40     13.15      2.40
> Rmerge  (within I+/I-)                     0.085     0.038     0.581
> Rmerge  (all I+ and I-)                    0.099     0.042     0.687
> Rmeas (within I+/I-)                       0.117     0.053     0.792
> Rmeas (all I+ & I-)                        0.116     0.050     0.798
> Rpim (within I+/I-)                        0.080     0.037     0.534
> Rpim (all I+ & I-)                         0.059     0.026     0.405
> Rmerge in top intensity bin                0.045        -         -
> Total number of observations              352569      2057     17425
> Total number unique                        92184       569      4538
> Mean((I)/sd(I))                              9.6      23.6       2.0
> Mn(I) half-set correlation CC(1/2)         0.995     0.995     0.648
> Completeness                               100.0      97.2     100.0
> Multiplicity                                 3.8       3.6       3.8
> One possible pseudo merohedral twin operator
> 2-fold axis
> h, -k, -h-l
> <I**2>/<I>**2 = 2.032
> <F>**2/<F**2> = 0.787
> <|E**2-1|> = 0.734
> <|L|>, <L**2> = 0.490, 0.321
> Multivariate Z score L-test = 0.616
> NZ test =         Maximum deviation acentric = 0.007
>                         Maximum deviation centric = 0.051
> L test =           Mean L = 0.490
> Estimated twin fraction:
> 0.450 (Britton analyses)
> 0.477 (H-test)
> 0.478 (Maximum likelihood method)
> Likely point group of the data is C 2 2 2
> Analysis of the systematic absences indicates a number of likely space group 
> candidates:
> C 2 2 21
> Patterson analysis of peak with length larger than 15 Angstrom:
> Frac. Cood = 0.00, 0.166, 0.00
> Distance to origin = 21.530
> Height (origin = 100) = 3.787
> p-value (height) = 9.991e-01
> Final REFMAC refinement in P21
> Rfactor = 0.2391
> Rfree = 0.2674
> After multiple rounds of refinement the twinning information is:
> Twin domains = 2
> Twin fractions = 0.5201, 0.4799
> FINAL refinement PHENIX – P21
> Rwork = 0.1637
> Rfree = 0.1938
> Twin fraction = 0.5 for twin operator h, -k, -h-l
> Ramachandran outliers = 0.1%
> Rotamer outliers = 3.6%
> C-beta outliers = 0
> C2221
> Cut the data back to 2.25 for a Mn I/sd >2.
> Average unit cell:   74.68  247.4    130        90     90     90
>                                            Overall  InnerShell  OuterShell
> Low resolution limit                       48.09     48.09      2.31
> High resolution limit                       2.25      9.81      2.25
> Rmerge  (within I+/I-)                     0.117     0.044     0.984
> Rmerge  (all I+ and I-)                    0.126     0.046     1.068
> Rmeas (within I+/I-)                       0.136     0.051     1.145
> Rmeas (all I+ & I-)                        0.135     0.050     1.147
> Rpim (within I+/I-)                        0.069     0.026     0.577
> Rpim (all I+ & I-)                         0.050     0.019     0.417
> Rmerge in top intensity bin                0.050        -         -
> Total number of observations              427886      5201     33337
> Total number unique                        57553       788      4433
> Mean((I)/sd(I))                             11.4      32.6       2.0
> Mn(I) half-set correlation CC(1/2)         0.997     0.997     0.668
> Completeness                               100.0      98.9     100.0
> Multiplicity                                 7.4       6.6       7.5
> First round of refinement - REFMAC – C2221
> Rfactor = 0.2132
> Rfree = 0.2443
> Final refinement round - PHENIX – C2221
> Rwork = 0.1853
> Rfree = 0.2330
> Ramachandran outliers = 0.1%
> Rotamer outliers = 7.1%
> C-beta outliers = 0
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