On Mon, Aug 5, 2013 at 12:37 PM, Boaz Shaanan <bshaa...@bgu.ac.il> wrote:

>  There seems to be some kind of a gap between users and developers as far
> the eagerness to abandon PDB in favour of mmCIF. I myself fully agree with
> Jeffrey about the ease of manipulating PDB's during work, particularly when
> encountering unusual circumstances (and there are many of those, as we all
> know). And how about non-crystallographers that are using PDB's for
> visualization and understanding how their proteins work? I teach many such
> students and it's fairly easy to explain to them where to look in the PDB
> for particular pieces of information relevant to the structure. I can't
> imagine how they'll cope with the cryptic mmCIF format.

I think the only gap is between developers and *expert* users - most of the
community simply wants tools and formats that work with a minimum of
fiddling.  Again, if users are having to examine the raw PDB records
visually to find information, this is a failure of the software.


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