CCP4 Study weekend 2014 on Complementary Techniques - programme now live at:

What techniques can be combined with crystallographic analysis? Of all 
deposited structures in the PDB, more than half are oligomeric, and three 
quarters have a ligand bound.

In-solution methods like SAXS or biophysical techniques allow us to validate 
the information on the molecular assembly. Biophysical techniques are also 
essential to probe ligands and co-factors. We address how to make ligand 
complexes with novel methods to mount and manipulate crystals.  A session on 
drug design gives the perspective and discusses additional techniques such as 
NMR. Simulations and NMR also address the dynamic nature of macromolecules. EM 
techniques can be used to address macromolecular complexes of changing 
composition and go full circle with the X-ray analysis.

You will learn how complementary methods help in structure determination and 
analysis, leading to a better understanding of the bio-macromolecules we study.

Interested? Then click here to 

The organisers.
Ivo Tews, University of Southampton
Jon Cooper, UCL.

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