There are only two days left to register for the two day training course
and workshop on Jalview that takes place in Oxford next week.

This workshop is an ideal opportunity for students, educators and
researchers of all abilities who want to get to know Jalview better, and
for bioinformaticians to get started with the JalviewLite applet and
Jalview's source.

The event is heavily subsidised and registration for both days including
a workshop dinner is just £35, with a very limited number of rooms
available for £10 per night. Register by 4th December via

Link  for more information:
PDF Poster at :

Thanks - and please forward this to people in your institute who might
be interested!
Jim Procter and Geoff Barton

Geoff Barton                             Professor of Bioinformatics
Head of Division of Computational Biology   College of Life Sciences
University of Dundee, Scotland, UK.
Tel:+44 1382 385860               

The University of Dundee is registered Scottish charity: No.SC015096

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