If the twin law is k,h,-l, then your a axis must almost equal the b axis?
And if the twin fraction is 0.48 then you have additional symmetry I guess?

How sure are you that the point group is P4/mmm?

On 13 March 2014 20:41, Teresa Swanson <teresa.m.swan...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear collegues,
> I'm working with a drug complexed protein structure that is having major
> twinning issues. The drug has a single Br atom on a benzene ring, which I'd
> like to use for orienting the drug in the binding site.  I have various
> anomalous data sets, ranging from 3.0A resolution, all scaled into P222
> with a Rlin of .125.
> Using MR, the twin law (k, h, -l) and NCS restraints, I can confidently
> solve the structure without anomalous, and the drug density is clear in the
> Fo-Fc map, with Rw/Rf at ~.26/.29 and a space group of P21221. It might be
> important to note that any simulated annealing I've tried invariably
> increases the Rfree by 2-3%, so I've scraped it. As you can imagine, when
> using the twinned data, the anomalous maps are weak and random.
> I've used the Phenix "detwin" option in Xtriage to see if I can pull the
> anomalous signal out of it. If I use the .mtz file that is output for MR
> and calculate the anomalous maps, it looks promising. The twin fraction for
> the one particular dataset I've been using is estimated at approx .48. Is
> this too close to 50% to do the detwinning? Now I'm wondering how to
> properly refine this further. I'm assuming that since I've "detwinned" the
> data, I do refinement without the twin law. But that gives an initial Rf of
> .38 when using it gives .31.  Since I've already solved the structure
> without using the anomalous flag, can I just use the "detwinned"
> reflections and the refined structure to calculate an anomalous map
> (without having to redo the refinement)?
> Mainly, my main question is about how to tease out and properly refine the
> anomalous data from a twinned structure. Also, how much of a difference
> will it make to scale into P222 versus P21212. And, if I have quite high
> redundancy, should I "scale anomalous" in HKL2000 or just use the
> "anomalous" flag?
> Any help on refining this twinned structure would be greatly appreciated!
> Thanks,
> Teresa
> PhD Student

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