So, a bit like "Fold-it" but with actual data? :-D

Dr David C Briggs PhD
On 16 May 2014 06:19, "Pavel Afonine" <> wrote:

> What about structures that are obviously wrong based on inspection of the
>> density, but no one has bothered to challenge yet?  The TWILIGHT database
>> helps some, if that counts, but it doesn't catch everything.
> How about this utopia.. Imagine PDB has two versions: one is the original
> data and model deposited as is, and never ever changed no matter what.
> Another version is a curated one obtained in a quest-like way: anyone can
> take an original entry, improve it and deposit (into the curated version)
> with his/her name tag on it. And of course anyone can take and update that
> improved entry and re-deposit it again with his/her name tag, etc. If
> desired one could keep track of all the revisions, like in svn or so.
> Sounds like a sport with an element of public service that might yield
> crowd-perfected models -:) !
> Pavel

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