Surely Refmac or any other program should honour the symmetry operators in the 
MTZ file - that's why they are there!


On 23 May 2014, at 12:34, Eleanor Dodson <> wrote:

>  Someone here has seen his Rfactors leap from 18% to 42% and was naturally 
> distressed! 
> We have tracked down the problem to this:
> Steps he took were:
> 1)  Integrate with XDS and feed output through pointless/aimless etc.
> He used a phenix refined mtz to "Match Laue and indexing" 
> The space group there is given by PHENIX 
> as "P 2 21 21 " but the spacegroup NUMBER is given as 18 (ie P21 21 2 in CCP4 
> symmetry library) .
> pointless then output an mtz file with SPACEGROUP number as 18 and SG name as 
> P 2 21 21.
> The symmetry operators are correctly listed for P 2 21 21
>  This is the version number: CCP4 6.4: POINTLESS              version 1.9.8 : 
> 02/05/14
> 2) When the refinement was repeated with REFMAC  the spacegroup was taken as 
> P21 21 2 - ie the SG number 18 overrode the listed symmetry operators in the 
> mtz file, and the SG name P 2 21 21 given on the CRYST1 card was ignored.
> The refmac version used is  CCP4 6.4: Refmac_5.8.0071     version 5.8.0071 : 
> 04/04/14
> The user thinks that in REFMAC 5.8.0033 this problem did not occur, but I 
> havent checked that..
> Anyway - it does emphasise the importance of checking symmetry operators for 
> consistency with both the SG name and number (Yes, George, I know you have 
> always said this is the only correct policy!) Maybe an extra subroutine could 
> be added to the symmetry library and called from other programs..
> And ideally checking all sources of symmetry information for consistency and 
> stopping if there is a serious disagreement. 
> In the short term we simply took the processed mtz file and ran
> mtzutils hklin1 corrupted.mtz hklout fixed.mtz
> SYMM 3018   (or symm "P2 21 21" ) 
> and the fixed file was OK
> Eleanor Dodson

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