
a while...  especially in powder form, but even in liquid.

The easiest is to test if they are still "active"/working. For the ones that covalently bind, you can check a difference in migration on native-PAGE. If it doesn't work, you can check SDS-PAGE and FD-HAL (Fluorescence Detection of Heavy Atom Labeling), on the ones that bind to CYS.

It's always good to test by biochemistry the good labelling atoms before going into soaking, prelabelling, etc...

Hope it helps.

Le 9/22/14 5:33 PM, Shanti Pal Gangwar a écrit :
Dear all

For what time period (years) heavy atom screens from Hampton research remain active/functional if kept in lyophilsed state or get expired over time.

Thanks in advance

Shanti Pal

Shanti Pal Gangwar, Ph.D
Dept of Pharmacology and Toxicology
University of Texas Medical Branch
Galveston, Texas-77555
Email: gangwar...@gmail.com <mailto:email%3agangwar...@gmail.com>


Vincent Chaptal, PhD

Institut de Biologie et Chimie des Protéines

Drug-resistance modulation and mechanism Laboratory

7 passage du Vercors

69007 LYON


+33 4 37 65 29 01


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