Be careful: the International Tables space group number may be ambiguous. For 
example sg number 18 may refer to P 21 21 2 or its permuted settings P 21 2 21 
or P 2 21 21, if you follow the "proper" IUCr convention that primitive 
orthorhombic space groups have a<b<c

The space group names are unambiguous (though also watch out for R3 & R32 which 
are normally indexed as centred hexagonal, but could be indexed in a primitive 


On 30 Sep 2014, at 13:07, Simon Kolstoe <> wrote:

> Dear ccp4bb,
> Could someone either provide, or point me to, a list of space-groups relevant 
> to protein crystallography just by space group number? I can find lots of 
> tables that list them by crystal system, lattice etc. but no simple list of 
> numbers.
> Thanks,
> Simon

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