Translate it by 13 microns. And use enough attenuation to get 180 degrees at each position.

The track length of photoelectrons from 1 A X-rays in water, protein, plastic, and other materials with density close to 1 g/cm^3 and atomic numbers close to 7 is about 3 microns (Cole, Rad. Res. 1969). This defines the effective maximum "range" of the radiolytic chemistry. So, 10+3 = 13 microns from center-to-center if you want to avoid the damage of the last shot.

That said, if you blast the living daylights out of one spot you will eventually be able to see it grow in size, and the uneven expansion produces stress that can propagate into the unilluminated areas of your sample. It stands to reason that stress is not good for diffraction, so you could consider this "dose contrast" effect as a mechanism of damage spreading. Nevertheless, it has been shown that at "moderate" doses (spots fading noticeably, but not disappearing entirely) properly accounting for the dose to the illuminated volume under different dose contrast situations leads to similar decay curves (Zeldin et al 2013), indicating that dose itself is a lot more important than dose contrast.

Perhaps the main reason why "damage spreading" is still not all that well understood is because it is really really hard to produce an X-ray beam with edges sharp enough to study it! This is because all X-ray beams have some divergence (aka "crossfire"), and it is generally unwise to put a collimator inside the cryo stream. At 1 cm from the sample, even with the relatively low divergence of 100 microRadian (0.006 deg) the X-ray beam will be 1 micron bigger at the sample than it was at the collimator, blurring at the edges. You can reduce the divergence, but that will cost you flux. Balancing all these considerations for making a small beam generally results in a Gaussian shape, so I'm willing to bet your 10 micron beam is Gaussian. For any Gaussian beam half of the incident photons fall outside the full-width-at-half-max (FWHM) contour level generally quoted to define the "size" of the beam. No doubt a lot of people who think they are seeing damage "spreading" into regions outside the beam-box are actually seeing nothing more than damage caused by the tails of the main beam itself. Without collimation, these tails formally extend to infinity, so the question of how far to translate becomes not one of how to completely avoid damage, but how much damage you are willing to put up with. Is 10% okay? 5%? 20%? Remember, that even your first shot on a "fresh" part of the crystal is not going to be damage-free because damage is going on during each exposure, including the first one! (unless, of course, you are using an XFEL).

You can do a lot of math trying to optimize diffracted photons vs damage (see Zeldin et al. 2013), but at the end of it all you find that the best way to utilize a given volume of "good" scattering matter is to use a beam that evenly illuminates that volume. This is because any bit of "good stuff" that never sees beam is wasted, and over-exposing one bit over another doesn't gain you anything. You also don't want to shoot things that are not "good stuff" because that corrupts your data with background and/or unwanted spots. Unfortunately, adjusting beam size to match each crystal shape exactly is a major engineering challenge and even if you could do this the sample has to rotate, making avoiding at least some "unwanted material" impossible. So, in reality, your beam size tends to be fixed and you must "paint" with it on the canvas of your large, rotating crystal. You can run simulations of such strategies at, and there are some tricks like off-setting the beam from the rotation axis to better approach even illumination, but in the end you cannot escape the even-illumination optimum. To that end, a train of Gaussian profiles separated by their FWHM forms a profile that is "flat" on top to within 10%. So, once again, since the damage from a 10 micron beam is 16 microns wide, a translation of 13 microns per "wedge" is a decent compromise. Hence my recommendation above.

The next, question, of course, is how many shots you can get per "wedge". I have written a web jiffy for answering questions like this:

Since you mention metals in your crystal, I'm going to assume this is a metalloprotein, and metalloprotein active sites can be particularly dose-sensitive. For example the water-splitting complex in Photosystem-II has been shown to decay with a half dose of 500 kGy (Yano, 2004), but the standing world-record is myoglobin, reducing half its iron with only 20 kGy (Denisov, 2007). Taking 500 kGy as your dose limit, and assuming you are using 1 A X-rays, I can type in the parameters you describe into the above web page and I get ... an error message. This is because the beam you are using delivers 5 MGy/s, so your first 0.1 s exposure has already hit the dose limit. The program responds to this situation with attenuation, which is an "okay" solution. With 91% attenuation (9e10 photon/s) you should be able to just get a full 180-degree wedge with an average dose on the order of 500 kGy. And yes, you do need to do a full 180 to hit every part of a crystal that is bigger than the beam in both the "vertical" and "thickness" directions. Hitting it all evenly is another story. In general, it is difficult to fully utilize a large crystal with a small beam without over-burning the core. You've got some "painting" to do. Translating the crystal helps, but if you don't get 180 degrees at each position then you've got a double helix of unexposed crystal left over at the end, making your "end game" a bit complicated.

For situations with such wildly miss-matched beam and crystal sizes, I recommend running RADDOSE-3D. When I do that, I find that flux = 1.6e10 photons/s (aka 98.4% attenuation) is required to get a diffraction-weighted-dose (DWD) of 500 kGy in a 180 deg sweep. The "core" is over-burnt at 9.66 MGy, but it is only 0.25% of the total exposed volume. This volume, however, is ALWAYS in the beam, so it "counts" more than the rest. This is what the DWD statistic is all about. Fundamentally, it assumes that the consequences of dose are linear, so you can weight them by the time they spend in the beam. This makes sense when the dose contrast is relatively low, but how much a diffraction pattern from a 1:20 ratio mixture of crystal regions at 9.66 MGy and 0.018 MGy looks like that from the same volume evenly-cooked to 0.5 MGy is still a very good question.

Yes, it gets complicated, doesn't it? This is why I generally recommend trying to use a beam that matches your crystal size.

-James Holton
MAD Scientist

On 12/29/2014 2:17 AM, Mohamed Noor wrote:
Dear all

In a metal-containing crystal of (say) 200 um x 200 um, and a beam size of 10 
um x 10 um, how far will I need to move away from an irradiated part to a fresh 
part to obtain an undamaged dataset?

Exposure conditions: 100 % transmission at 10^12 ph/s, 0.1 s exposure, fine 
sliced at 0.1 degree/frame with a total 180 degrees.

Obviously it will be crystal dependent but I would like to have a rule of 
thumb. I could use fresh crystals altogether, but not all crystals diffract 
well unfortunately.


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