If you spin the crystal through a full 360 degrees then any given "relp" (unique reciprocal lattice point) will pass through the Ewald sphere no more than twice. This is because the Ewald sphere is a surface and the relp is taking a circular path. It is either "inside" the Ewald sphere or "outside", and transitions once in-to-out and once out-to-in in a closed loop. Some relps are always outside the Ewald sphere and their circular paths are too small to ever enter into it. These tend to be close to the rotation axis, and the reason why it is formally impossible to get 100% completeness when your space group is P1 and you only have one rotation axis. You can keep spinning, of course, and then your "redundancy" is 2x the number of spins, but since you are using the same pixels over and over again, it isn't really "multiplicity", to use the flippant definition from my previous post.

Now, of course, multiplicity/redundancy generally includes symmetry mates, and even in P1 you have Friedel symmetry. The circle traced out by the Friedel mate (-h,-k,-l) is a mirror image of the (h,k,l) circle in the plane normal to the rotation axis. That is, -h,-k,-l is always on the opposite side of the origin from h,k,l and also at the same d-spacing, so its circle is the same radius and the same distance from the origin as the h,k,l circle, just on the opposite side of the beam. This circle also crosses the Ewald sphere twice, and always on different pixels than h,k,l.

If your space group is not P1, then your multiplicity per revolution will therefore be 4*n, where n is the number of real-space symmetry operations. That is, the number of x,y,z-ish lines you see under the space group in ${CLIB}/symop.lib is the "n" that you want.

If you don't do a full 360-degree rotation, then the relationship to multiplicity gets "noisier", you may see some spots more than once long before you have even one of another. But, if you want a rule of thumb, your "coverage" of reciprocal space is roughly 4*n*revolutions, where "revolutions" can be a fraction.

As for the "right" definition of redundancy vs multiplicity, people seem quite adamant to stick with whatever term is used in the log file of their favorite processing program denzo uses "redundancy", but scala/aimless use "multiplicity". Funny how terms get "defined" this way. Perhaps the best way to change terminology for good is to write a really amazing computer program that everyone will have to use and make it print out the term you like?

-James Holton
MAD Scientist

On 1/17/2015 1:05 PM, rohit kumar wrote:

Dear all,

Can anyone tell me how to calculate number of frames from redundancy or vica versa

Thank you

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