Hi Almudena,

Have a look in your PDB file in the second to last colum, if it looks something 
like the example below then delete the As from the fine and it should connect 
up. I've had this before, not sure where it came from but removing it fixed the 

ATOM    371  CA  PRO A  48     -11.300 -19.315 -35.308  1.00 91.62           C
ATOM    372  CB  PRO A  48     -10.546 -20.584 -35.726  1.00 90.06           C
ATOM    373  CG  PRO A  48      -9.106 -20.254 -35.548  1.00 91.26           C
ATOM    374  CD  PRO A  48      -8.992 -19.119 -34.570  1.00 91.06           C
ATOM    375  C   PRO A  48     -12.669 -19.668 -34.722  1.00 85.38           C
ATOM    376  O   PRO A  48     -13.686 -19.209 -35.228  1.00 79.05           O
ATOM    377  N   ARG A  49     -12.683 -20.461 -33.658  1.00 91.80      A    N
ATOM    378  CA  ARG A  49     -13.936 -20.872 -33.022  1.00101.75      A    C
ATOM    379  CB  ARG A  49     -13.717 -22.064 -32.077  1.00109.37      A    C
ATOM    380  CG  ARG A  49     -15.008 -22.749 -31.637  1.00106.33      A    C
ATOM    381  CD  ARG A  49     -14.933 -23.259 -30.207  1.00104.16      A    C

Hope that helps,

From: CCP4 bulletin board [CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] on behalf of Almudena Ponce 
Salvatierra [maps.fa...@gmail.com]
Sent: 04 February 2015 17:07
Subject: [ccp4bb] off topic pymol

Dear all,

does anyone know why if I open a pdb in pymol (that appears normal and fully 
connected in coot) it appears as if it was broken into pieces?



Almudena Ponce-Salvatierra
Macromolecular crystallography and Nucleic acid chemistry
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Am Fassberg 11 37077 Göttingen

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