
I did my best to follow the instructions and - 

[andrew-mac-3:~/ccp4-6.5.0/ccp4-src-6.5-gfortran-4.5.0] harry% find . -name 

I *might* have changed shell to bash when I did the build (I can't remember).

On 14 Mar 2015, at 17:39, Alastair Fyfe wrote:

> Having struggled through similar build problems, I'd like to suggest 
> augmenting the existing source and binary distributions with a distribution 
> that includes header files and static libraries.
> thanks,
> Alastair Fyfe
> On 03/14/2015 05:17 AM, Ian Tickle wrote:
>> Hello All
>> I want to build static libs (libccp4.a etc.), basically to avoid hassle
>> when deploying executables of my own programs to other machines that are
>> not on my LAN and don't have up-to-date compilers or system libraries.
>> I downloaded the CCP4 sources & followed instructions in the README,
>> basically AFAICS just 'setenv BUILD_STATIC 1' (tcsh) and './build libccp4
>> etc.' which claimed to be successful.  But I can't find libccp4*.a
>> anywhere.  In fact 'find' says that the only .a files are in the
>> cmake-3.0.2 directory and are called 'libtest*.a'.  I found
>> '' in builddir/libccp4/ccp4/.libs so it seems to be
>> building the dynamic libs.  I also tried 'setenv STATIC 1' but got the same
>> result.
>> What am I doing wrong?
>> Cheers
>> -- Ian

Dr Harry Powell, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Francis Crick Avenue, 
Cambridge Biomedical Campus, Cambridge CB2 0QH
Chairman of International Union of Crystallography Commission on 
Crystallographic Computing
Chairman of European Crystallographic Association SIG9 (Crystallographic 

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