Sounds like your refinement is failing probably because of the low 
data:parameter ratio at this resolution and/or the composition of your 
asymmetric unit, poor initial phase information (probably a molecular 
replacement solution which is close, but still far from the truth either in 
sequence composition or atomic configuration). 

In these cases, it is useful to use a reference structure containing an 
idealized A-form (RNA) or DNA helix with the *correct* sequence composition and 
ensure that the refinement program matches the residues appropriately upon the 
start of refinement. If you've got some strange tertiary architectures 
(k-turns, gnra tetraloops or some other non canonical motif), include those as 

Then, there is the issue how the restraints are generated for refinement, I've 
found autoBUSTER's LSSR regime (based on interatomic distances  as opposed to 
dihedral angles) to be quite good at restraining the refinement, but that's my 
own opinion on a few particularly challenging cases. 

As a polishing step (and if you have to revert to real space refinement), the 
rcrane plugin but Kevin Keating is very helpful. It is accessible within coot.  


On Apr 16, 2015, at 8:22 AM, Almudena Ponce Salvatierra <> 

> Dear all, 
> Despite molprobity analysis tells me my structure contains no puckers that 
> are wrong, the pukka puckers tool within coot lists a number of them with for 
> example inconsistent distance bewteen the phosphates. 
> I would like to ask if any of you have dealt with this before, and how does 
> one "make consistent" the distance between phosphates with the sugar 
> puckering? Only by direct space refinement? Or is there a way to change 
> something else...
> My structure is a 3 A resolution so I can definitely see the backbone of the 
> nucleic acid chain but for sure I can not tell whether the pucker was 
> assigned properly or not from the electron density.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks a lot in advance. 
> Best wishes, 
> Almudena. 
> -- 
> Almudena Ponce-Salvatierra
> Macromolecular crystallography and Nucleic acid chemistry
> Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
> Am Fassberg 11 37077 Göttingen
> Germany

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