I am trying to get coordinates and maps into COOT for a PDB entry that is only 
in mmcif format. 

If I select any of the "Fetch PDB …" options in COOT, I get the following error 

DEBUG:: in get-url-str: "4wz7" 
"http://www.ebi.ac.uk/pdbe-srv/view/files/4wz7.ent"; pdb
(handle-read-draw-molecule-with-recentre "coot-download/4wz7.pdb.ent" 0)
Reading coordinate file: coot-download/4wz7.pdb.ent
There was an error reading coot-download/4wz7.pdb.ent. 
ERROR 20 READ: Attempt to read unknown-type file.
No Spacegroup found for this PDB file
There was a coordinates read error
PDB Accession Code: 4wz7

If I download the mmcif PDB file and read it into COOT using the "Open 
coordinates" option then this works OK, so I can get the coordinates but I 
cannot get the density map. 

If I go direct to the EDS server (http://eds.bmc.uu.se/eds/) and put in the PDB 
code I get the error message "Sorry, there is no structure factor entry for 

Does anyone know an easy way around this to get the maps into COOT, or do I 
just have to download the mmcif structure factor file and use a program (e.g. 
refmac) to calculate the map coefficients ?

I am using COOT version 0.8.1 EL (ccp4).



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