The site is not official, unpublished, and
still poorly maintained. But just for the fun of it, I added a list of
modified cysteines. Be aware that the files are biiiiig, so better
download them and read them in the editor than opening them in the browser.


On 05/12/2015 09:30 PM, David Schuller wrote:
What are the most likely modifications of a CYS residue? I am
attaching images of a couple of residues in my current structure. Blue
is 2Fo-Fc, Green is Fo-Fc positive difference, purple is model-phased
anomalous differences at 3 sigma, data from 1.70 A source.

I am guessing about 3 non-H atoms, probably one of them with anomalous
Not all CYS in the structure are thus modified, only these two, but
they show up consistently in 4 noncrystallographic copies.


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