The last I heard (which was a while ago), Windows could run the stereo emitter over USB with a Geforce card, but Linux still needed a Quadro card with the 3 pin mini-DIN connector. I hope this is no longer true, but I have not heard clear information to the contrary. Note that the text you quote does not mention OS at all.

On 10/28/16 04:18, Johannes Cramer wrote:
Hi Matt,

I guess you are talking about hardware. For a year or so, this should have become quite cheap. A recent Nvidia Geforce card, a 120 Hz 3D Monitor and a 3D vision kit should do the trick. However, personally I only have experiences with the "professional" NVidia quadro grafics card series. Can anyone in the CCP4BB confirm that Geforce cards work with coot, as suggested on the pymolwiki site:

      * GeForce Cards from series 400 onward have gained OpenGl
        support in recent Nvidia driver iterations (314+). This allows
        Pymol to be viewed in 3D using the quad buffered stereo
        setting with a GeForce card, 120Hz screen and 3D Vision kit.


2016-10-27 20:11 GMT+02:00 Folmer Fredslund < <>>:

    Hi Matt,

    Have you tried looking at these pages:

    Folmer Fredslund

    On 2016-10-27 17:20, Matthew Graf wrote:
    Hello All,
     I am looking for suggestions on a good, but not too costly, 3D
    monitor for visualizing pdb structures and looking at outputs of
    modelling programs. I am not personally a structural biologist,
    but am on the hunt for someone who is. All help appreciated.

    Kind regards,

All Things Serve the Beam
                               David J. Schuller
                               modern man in a post-modern world
                               MacCHESS, Cornell University

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