Hi Hauke,

so your refinement results in P1 seem to say it's untwinned. I don't see (but I 
may be overlooking something?) the evidence, from what you write, that it could 
not be P21 or P2, because any P2 or P21 structure can be refined in P1 (but of 
course not the other way round). In other words, I'd expect that two molecules 
out of the four of your P1 solution can be refined in P2 or P21 to the same (or 
rather better) Rwork/Rfree. That would prove P2 or P21.

If there is really no 2-fold NCS solution in P2/P21 then it is P1 with 4-fold 

Concerning your last question whether XDS or pointless could have mistaken a 
two-fold NCS along a crystallographic axis as a crystallographic symmetry 
element, I'd need to see the pointless table after "Analysing rotational 
symmetry in lattice group ...", and the relevant table in CORRECT.LP where it 
tests some spacegroups.



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