Within the framework of an ERC Consolidator project, an initial 2-year 
postdoctoral position is available in the Advanced Live Cell Imaging group of 
Daniel Van Damme at The VIB/UGent Department of Plant Systems Biology to 
investigate the ultrastructure of the plant endocytic TPLATE complex (TPC).

The TPC has its evolutionary origins between the emergence of COPI and the 
functional specification of the AP complexes. While the TPC remained essential 
for plants, it was evolutionarily lost in yeasts and animal cells, indicating 
that endocytosis operates differently in plants (Gadeyne et al., Cell 2014: 
Hirst et al., Elife 2014). The project aims to generate structural and 
mechanistic insights into membrane recruitment and cargo identification of the 
TPC as well as its interplay with the evolutionarily conserved AP-2 complex. 
The project will run in close collaboration with structural biology groups 
within the VIB institute (Savvas Savvides, VIB/UGent and Rouslan Efremov, 

The successful candidate will spearhead the structural elucidation of an 
enigmatic endocytic complex and will become part of a lively research group 
with a long track record on unravelling the role of this key endocytic complex 
in plants (Van Damme et al., Plant Journal 2004; Van Damme et al., Plant Cell 
2006; Van Damme et al PNAS 2011; Gadeyne et al., Cell 2014).

Motivated candidates with a PhD and a proven track record in structural biology 
and/or molecular biology (e.g. protein/complex purification, recombinant 
protein biochemistry, X-ray crystallography, single-particle EM etc) are 
requested to send their CV (including academic record, publications and proof 
of relevant experience), a statement of interest focusing on the project and 
the contact details of two referees (name, organization, phone, e-mail address) 

daniel.vanda...@psb.vib-ugent.be <mailto:daniel.vanda...@psb.vib-ugent.be> 

Prior experience in the field of endocytosis is an asset. The succesful 
candidate can start immediately and the call will remain open until a suitable 
candidate is found. Selected candidates will be invited for an interview or 
skype meeting.


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