Does this count as an example?
grep SSBOND /a/pdb/pdb4e9m.ent
SSBOND   1 CYS A   39    CYS B   39                          1555   1555  2.05
SSBOND   2 CYS C   39    CYS D   39                          1555   1555  2.04
SSBOND   3 CYS E   39    CYS F   39                          1555   1555  2.03

The A.U. contains three domain-swapped dimers. The cys are not on the swapped 
but the swapping fortuitously brings the same cys in the two molecules into 
to make a disulfide. There are two or three other x-ray structures that show 
the same
domain-swapped, disulfide-clinched dimer in different packing. However an NMR 
shows it to be monomeric in solution, based on estimated tumbling speed since
nmr restraints might not distinguish inter- from intramolecular contacts in a
domain-swapped dimer.
The cys is not conserved, and although this protein is expected to oligomerize,
the putative oligomerization domain is not included in this construct.

On 02/01/2017 10:17 AM, Eleanor Dodson wrote:
Does anyone know of examples of these?
I have found one - 2WQW with these SSBOND records
SSBOND   1 CYS A  206    CYS A  227                          1555   6556  2.07
SSBOND   2 CYS B  206    CYS B  227                          1555   5556  2.15

We seem to have one but it would have to form after crystalisation?


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