Dear CCP4 Community

I´d like to request your help to spread the word about the position
described below:

FtsZ, the prokaryotic homologue of tubulin, is the universal driver of
bacterial cell division and an attractive target for new antibiotics. Our
group has been using a combination of approaches (genetics, live cell
microscopy and structural biology) to study the mechanism of FtsZ
polymerization and how it is regulated by modulator proteins. More
recently, we established the conditions for applying NMR to FtsZ. This
breakthrough should allow addressing several questions that have not been
accessible by X‐ray crystallography, such as: 1) Determination of the
allosteric mechanism of polymerization; 2) Mapping of the interaction with
modulators that do not co‐crystalize with FtsZ; 3) Screening and mapping
binding sites of candidate small molecule inhibitors. We are seeking highly
motivated candidates, capable or working independently and interested in
bridging basic science with antibiotic discovery. Previous experience with
protein NMR is a plus, but not mandatory. Crystallographers and biochemists
with good protein expression and purification skills are welcome to apply.
Applicants should send their CV and a brief description of their past
research experience to Frederico Gueiros‐Filho ( and
should organize 2 recommendation letters to be sent directly to the same
email address.

University of São Paulo (USP) is the #1 university in Latin America and is
consistently ranked among the top 100 universities of the world (‐university‐rankings/university‐
of‐sao‐paulo#ranking‐dataset/558261). The Department of Biochemistry is one
of the leading research centers in Brazil, with an internationally
recognized faculty and world class facilities, including an 800 MHz NMR
spectrometer. This project involves collaboration with the group of Dr.
Jose Manuel Andreu, CIB, Madrid, and may include visits to his group.

Bisson‐Filho et al., (2015). PNAS 112:E2130‐E2138.
Blasios et al., (2013). PLoS One, 8:e60690.
Castellen et al., (2015). Biomolecular NMR Assignments 9:1‐5.
Nogueira et al., (2015). Biomolecular NMR Assignments 9:387‐91.

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