Dear Khoa Pham, 

the question of a formal definition of en "effective" resolution and its 
variability with space direction is discussed in 

a) Urzhumtseva, L., Klaholz, B.P., Urzhumtsev, A. (2013) " On effective and 
optical resolution of diffraction data sets". Acta Cryst., D69 , 1921-1934. 
b) Urzhumtseva, L., Urzhumtsev, A. (2015) "A program to calculate effective 
resolution". J. Appl. Cryst., 48 , 589-597. 

With best regatrds, 

Sacha Urzhumtsev 

----- Le 18 Juin 17, à 15:42, Khoa Pham <> a écrit : 

> Dear Gerard,

> Thank you so much for the very interesting discussions and the recommendation 
> of
> using STARANISO. I will submit my data to STARANISO server and keep you
> updated.

> Sincerely,

> Khoa Pham

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