Dear all,
I realized I didn't properly aknowledge the team who made PDB REDO. So let me 
please correct my mistake by citing here the PDB REDO references (as found on 
the PDB REDO website) and providing a list of interesting papers to all :
   - Joosten RP, Long F, Murshudov GN, Perrakis A. The PDB_REDO server for 
macromolecular structure model optimization. IUCrJ. 2014; 1:213-220. Reprint.
   - Joosten RP, Joosten K, Murshudov GN, Perrakis A. PDB_REDO: constructive 
validation, more than just looking for errors. Acta Cryst. 2012; D68:484-496. 
   - Joosten RP, Joosten K, Cohen SX, Vriend G, Perrakis A. Automatic 
rebuilding and optimization of crystallographic structures in the Protein Data 
Bank. Bioinformatics 2011; 27:3392-3398. Reprint.
   - Joosten RP, Vriend G. PDB improvement starts with data deposition. Science 
2007; 317:195-196. Reprint.
   - Joosten RP, Womack T, Vriend G, Bricogne G. Re-refinement from deposited 
X-ray data can deliver improved models for most PDB entries. Acta Cryst. 2009; 
D65:176-185. Reprint.
   - Joosten RP, Salzemann J, Bloch V, Stockinger H, Berglund A-C, Blanchet C, 
Bongcam-Rudloff E, Combet C, Da Costa AL, Deleage G, Diarena M, Fabbretti R, 
Fettahi G, Flegel V, Gisel A, Kasam V, Kervinen T, Korpelainen E, Mattila K, 
Pagni M,Reichstadt M, Breton V, Tickle IJ, Vriend G. PDB_REDO: automated 
re-refinement of X-ray structure models in the PDB. J. Appl. Cryst. 2009; 
42:376-384. Reprint.

 Philippe BENAS, Ph.D.
Dog in the manger
"Un importun survient qui trouble l'intimité, qui arrête l'expansion, qui glace 
le plaisir, - probablement comme un étranger tombant au milieu d'enfants en 
train de danser une ronde", Alfred Delvau, Dictionnaire de la langue verte 

Laboratoire de Cristallographie et RMN Biologiques, UMR 8015 CNRS
Faculté de Pharmacie, Université Paris Descartes
Case 48
Av, de l'Observatoire
F-75270 PARIS cedex 06
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