Thank you all for your valuable suggestions. I will try to improve the
process accordingly.



On Thu, Sep 21, 2017 at 3:18 PM, Tom Murray-Rust <>

> Hi Dipankar,
> I've produced several serine protease constructs in Ecoli and then
> refolded them. I would investigate the following (some of which echoes
> previous comments):
> - try both urea and guanidine as your denaturant
> - try refolding in stages (e.g. 8M urea to 2M to 100mM or equivalent)
> - definitely try adding arginine to your refolding buffer (we typically
> used 0.6M)
> - try varying the salt concentration in your refolding buffer
> - try varying your ratio of reduced:oxidised glutathione (from around 5:1
> at one extreme to 1:5 at the other)
> - try refolding by diluting your denatured protein into refolding buffer
> in both directions (i.e. either prepare a large volume of refolding buffer,
> and have it stirring fairly vigorously, and slowly drip your denatured
> protein in via a peristaltic pump over several hours; or add your denatured
> protein into a large beaker with stirring, and slowly drip in your
> refolding buffer over several hours)
> - concentrate your refolded material by TFF over a few hours, then heat at
> 37C (this will help to precipitate any protein that has refolded
> incorrectly, and can improve the integrity of your final material), then
> filter prior to dialysis into purification buffer
> A typical unoptimised yield would be approx 1 mg per litre E.coli culture;
> with some development you may be able to get up to 10-20 mg per litre. Even
> at these levels, it is not unusual to see high levels of precipitation at
> various stages (refolding, concentration, heating etc).
> Also I would echo the comment about adding in inhibitors - not only can
> they prevent proteolysis, but can also stabilise the active site and help
> with refolding.
> Good luck with it!
> Tom
> On Thu, 21 Sep 2017 at 20:14, Dipankar Manna <>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am working with a serine protease. As the protein is not soluble I am
>> purifying it from the inclusion bodies followed by refolding. The protein
>> shows good activity after refolding but the major concern is the
>> 'precipitation'. Though the protein express quite well, but I loose almost
>> 50-60% protein during refolding (Buffer: 100 mM Tris pH 8.0, 125 mM MgCl2,
>> 100 mM KCL, 5% Glycerol, 2 mM GSH, 1 mM GSSG and 1 M NDSB) as it
>> precipitates. Refolding is done in room temperature. I tried refolding at 4
>> degree, but it even end up with more precipitant. It also precipitates
>> during concentrating, so in general I almost loose most of the protein
>> during this refolding and concentration steps. I start with 6 lit culture
>> that give around 1-2 mg protein in the final step, which I am not happy
>> with.
>> ​
>> Any suggestion to deal this issue would be highly appreciated.
>> Thank you in advance.
>> Best,
>> Dipankar​
>> --
>> *Dipankar Manna, Ph.D*
>> Postdoctoral Researcher
>> Department of Molecular Medicine
>> Institute of Basic Medical Sciences
>> University of Oslo, Domus Medica
>> Oslo, Norway
>> Mob   : +47 451 66 517 <451%2066%20517>
>> E-mail: <>
> --
> +61 451 402 428 <+61%20451%20402%20428> (Australia)
> +44 7970 480 601 <+44%207970%20480601> (UK)

*Dipankar Manna, Ph.D*
Postdoctoral Researcher
Department of Molecular Medicine
Institute of Basic Medical Sciences
University of Oslo, Domus Medica
Oslo, Norway

Mob   : +47 451 66 517
E-mail: <>

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