I've been trying to get coot running on my MacBook Pro after upgrading to
OS X El Capitan (10.11.6).  I have installed as part of ccp4, Phenix
(1.9-1692) or standalone (0.8.8) (As provided by the Scott lab  at UCSC).
I'm also running X11 (2.7.11). It seems to be fine, unless I have my big
Mac Cinema HD Display connected (via USB).  When the big monitor is plugged
in, all coot windows just disappear.  They reappear on the notebook screen
if I disconnect the remote monitor.

Never had this problem with the same hardware and older versions of the Mac
OS, an have not had problems with windows from other software, either -
just coot.

Is this a problem others have observed and/or dealt with?

--Barry Finzel

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