Beamtime for MX still available at CHESS, Nov. 1 - Dec. 21, 2017

The CHESS/MacCHESS facility, located at Cornell University in Ithaca, NY, 
invites macromolecular crystallographers to apply for time on our F1 station.

This station is well equipped for crystallographic data collection, for MR or 
Se SAD phasing. It features a Dectris Pilatus3 6M detector and an ALS-type 
automounter. We offer remote and mail-in modes of data collection, and our 
expert staff provides exceptional support 24/7. "Non-standard" experiments 
needing some special setup are welcome.

Apply for time on-line at http://userdb.chess.cornell.edu. Applications are 
accepted at any time, and turn-around time can be just a couple of weeks - less 
if you already have a proposal in our system and just need to submit a beamtime 

For more information see the web site http://www.chess.cornell.edu, or contact 
administrator Kathy Dedrick, k...@cornell.edu.

===== A special option ======

Pressure cryocooling of (unfrozen) crystals is available by prearrangement. 
This method can reduce the damage induced by cryocooling, often with no need 
for cryoprotectants (Kim et al., Acta Cryst. D61, 881-890 (2005)). In some 
cases, it can reduce initial disorder (high mosaicity, anisotropic diffraction, 
some kinds of twinning). Contact Marian Szebenyi (dm...@cornell.edu) if you 
have questions about pressure cryocooling.

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