On 10/05/2017 11:01 PM, ameya benz wrote:

I want to convert HKL file to mtz. I tried using F2mtz but somehow the output 
mtz is not working. What parameters should I set during conversion. Or can 
anyone suggest alternative to F2mtz?

National chemical laboratory, Pune, India

Hi, Ameya,
F2mtz works.
In order for someone to help you you need to give more information.
What does your HKL file look like (show us the first 10-20 lines)?
Are you running f2mtz from one of the GUIs, or from a a script or commandline?
What parameters did you give (or what was your script)? (often the FORMAT 
statement is the problem).
And in what way the output mtz file is not working? maybe use mtzdump to show 
what you got.
Hope that will lead to a speedy resolution!

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