Dear Colleagues,
Applications are invited for a PhD studentship position funded by the 
BBSRC-CASE scheme in the laboratory of Dr Laura Spagnolo, University of 
Glasgow, in collaboration with Dr Taiana Maia de Oliveira, Astra Zeneca, 
Cambridge. The project involves the cryo-electron microscopy study of large 
protein/nucleic acid complexes involved in the maintenance of genome stability.
Candidates should have a first or upper second class degree in biochemistry, 
cell biology or biological/medical science. The successful candidate will have 
the opportunity to work in both academic and industry setting during their 
studentship. The studentship is available to UK nationals and EU students who 
meet the UK residency requirements.
To apply, please send a CV and cover letter to<>. The closing 
date for applications is April 20th, 2018.
Best regards,

Dr Laura Spagnolo
Reader in Structural Biology
Institute of Molecular, Cell and Systems Biology
University of Glasgow
Room 409, Bower Building
University Avenue
Glasgow G12 8QQ
United Kingdom

Tel. + (0)141 3305133

[University of Glasgow: The Times Scottish University of the Year 2018]

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