Just to make the point that you are not alone, I have observed the same issue on Mac with CCP4-installed Coot using latest OS and Xquartz. This started happening with a recent update.

Interestingly, the 'Edit Chi Angles' dialogue now allows us to modify non-chi angles as well (not sure if this was intentional), but only for some residues. For example, when I click on a Leu or Cys, I am given the options to also modify "C <--> CA" and "CA <--> N" torsional angles, generally known as psi and phi. But with Asp, I get no such options to modify psi and phi. Interestingly, with Glu, the only angles I am allowed to modify in the "Edit Chi Angles" dialog are psi and phi angles.


On 4/26/18 3:19 AM, Chris Richardson wrote:

​We have an issue with the 'Edit Chi Angles' dialogue in Coot on Macs using the version of Coot bundled with CCP4.

For some residues - such as Glu - the dialogue only shows the C <--> CA angle.  If you tick the 'Add Chi Angles for Hydrogens' box, it adds CA <--> N.

I've just compiled Coot on the same Mac using Fink, and the dialogue for this version of Coot shows CA <--> CB, CB <--> CG, and CG <--> CD angles for the same residue.

The CCP4 version which misbehaves is; the working Fink version is 0.8.9.  Both are running on OS X 10.11.6.

Has anyone else experienced this?  Any suggestions as to how to fix this?



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