Dear All

The laboratory of Magnus Wolf-Watz at Umeå University is searching a motivated 
postdoc with an interest in enzyme dynamics. We use diverse techniques to 
address enzymatic rate enhancements from the perspective of enzyme dynamics. 
The candidate should either hold or expect to hold a Ph.D. in the area of 
biochemistry or structural biology, with expertise in either NMR spectroscopy 
or X-ray crystallography. Our department is equipped with state of the art NMR 
spectrometers including an 850 MHz machine equipped with a cryo probe. 
Expertise in protein production and purification is required.

The postdoc position is a fellowship for 2 years. Please visit the lab website 
for more information:<>.
Send your CV with a brief research statement as well as 2-3 contacts for 
references to<>  before 
the 1st of August

Thank you,
Magnus Wolf-Watz

Dr. Magnus Wolf-Watz
Umeå University
Chemistry Department
Phone:+46 90 786 76 90

Lab Home Page:


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