Hi Amala,

Depending on the resin you used there may be a conflict with BME and also
50 mM TRIS may be too much at the pH 7.5. Easy to test: use HEPES pH 7.5
and TCEP instead of BME, or use 30 mM TRIS at pH 8.0

Alternatively your protein is aggregated and does not bind well...


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On Mon, Aug 13, 2018 at 9:49 AM, amala mathimaran <amalat...@gmail.com>

> Dear All
> I am working with HIS – tag protein in N-terminal (hexa histidine). The
> protein from Prokaryotic origin cloned into pET30a+ vector and expressed in 
> *E.coli
> *BL21 cells. The expression was good. I am trying to purify a protein
> using Ni-affinity column equilibrate with Buffer A 50mM Tris pH7.5, 50mM
> NaCl, 15mM imidazole, 3mM BME, 5%glycerol and eluted with Buffer B ( same
> as buffer A but 250mM imidazole). I eluted the protein in step wise
> gradiant. the protein was less binded in Ni affinity IMAC column because
> eluted fraction contain less amount and the protein remain present in the
> Flow through. Can any one suggest how to increase the binding affinity of
> the protein and how to purify the protein. The protein PI was 6.33
> ------------------------------
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