Dear All

ccp4 update 061 to release 7.0 is now available.  It contains

* DIALS 1.10.4 and XIA2 0.5.582
 - release notes:

* molprobity 4.4
 - scripts molprobity.molprobity, molprobity.clashscore, molprobity.cablam, 
probe, reduce, etc
 - thank you to Jane Richardson, Nigel Moriarty, Randy Read

* lorestr
 - update to use bundled molprobity.

This is available as an update to current installations, and as a direct 
download from the ccp4 site.

Coming soon:
 * major update to monomer library
 * molprobity integration to ccp4i2
 * DIALS gui update
 * additional reference structures for buccaneer.

All the best


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