On behalf of Ashley Schork, University of Michigan:

Good morning,

I am reaching out on behalf of Jeanne Stuckey from the University of Michigan 
Life Sciences Institute Center for Structural Biology.

The Center for Structural 
 (CSB) at the University of Michigan Life Sciences Institute seeks a 
post-doctoral candidate with crystallography experience, who is interested in 
developing cutting edge purification and crystallization technologies for RNA 
and RNA-Protein complexes. The CSB acts as the structural biology core for the 
Center for HIV RNA Studies (CRNA), which is a large consortium of researchers 
across the nation focusing on the structures, dynamics, interactions, and 
mechanisms of action of the HIV-1 RNA during the late phase of viral 
replication. Funding for these studies is provided by the National Institutes 
of General Medical Sciences, National Institutes of Health.  The post-doctoral 
fellow will work under the direction of Jeanne A. Stuckey, Ph.D, Managing 
Director of CSB and Research Associate Professor, and work in collaboration 
with members of the CSB.

Link to job posting: http://careers.umich.edu/job_detail/163107/research_fellow

The posting will be extended until October 18th. Would you be able to post to 
the CCP4 bulletin to reach those who would be interested in applying? Please 
let us know if you have any questions.
Ashley Schork
Structural Biology Program Coordinator
University of Michigan Life Sciences Institute
210 Washtenaw Ave
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2216
734-647-8098 | ashls...@umich.edu<mailto:ashls...@umich.edu>

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