Dear Colleagues

We are looking for a highly motivated postdoctoral follow with a background in 
structural biology (X-ray crystallography, cryo-EM), to work on NIH-funded 
projects studying multi-protein complexes involved in eukaryotic transcription 
regulation. The information of this position is as follows:

Postdoctoral Fellow, Takagi Laboratory 
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Indiana University School of Medicine

Who We Are:
My laboratory is interested in understanding the mechanisms of assembly, 
structure and function of large multi-protein complexes -“molecular machines” - 
involved in eukaryotic gene regulation, utilizing both cryo-EM and X-ray 
crystallography. We are particularly interested in the Mediator complex in both 
yeast and humans.

We believe that development and implementation of novel technologies is the key 
to unlocking the mysteries of how highly complex molecular machines (e.g. 
Mediator) function. Therefore, our overall research objective is two-fold: (i) 
development of novel technologies for studying multi-protein complexes, and 
(ii) application of these technologies to elucidate the structure and function 
of the Mediator complex.  In addition, we have developed a novel technology for 
producing pure preparations of difficult-to-express proteins and protein 
complexes, which has enabled several exciting ongoing projects with outstanding 
collaborators, including work on: plant RNA polymerases, DNA helicases, DNA 
repair complexes, RNA editing complex, and insulator complex.

 What We Offer:
1) State-of-the art protein and protein complex expression technologies (patent 
pending) enabling expression of difficult-to-express, problematic proteins and 
protein complexes

2) Accessibility to crystallization drop-setting robots, home X-ray sources, 
Synchrotron data collection at the Advanced Photon Source (APS) at Argonne 
National Laboratory (within a 3 hour drive from our lab), as well as 
electron-microscopy (EM) facility: Titan Krios, Talos Artica, and JOEL-FS3200

3) A one-on-one mentoring opportunity by which a postdoctoral fellow can learn 
the craft of designing research strategy, preparing compelling grant proposals, 
and paper-writing and presentation skills

4) The opportunity to work with multiple outstanding collaborators

Who Should Apply:
This position could be a great fit for you if:

- you have the expertise and experience in X-ray crystallography, and want to 
apply such skills toward structure determination of highly complex 
multi-protein complexes

- you are interested in learning and developing for the cutting-edge protein 
complex engineering and expression technologies

- you would like to extend your skill sets to cryo-EM

-you are self-confident and can communicate with the PI, other lab members, and 
collaborators with ease, and enjoy discussing research results and how to 
overcome technical challenges

- the specific research focus of our laboratory inspires you

- you love to gather information from the literatures  and helps generate 
creative ideas and technical solutions

- you relish working on technically challenging problems, which often require 
an extended persistent effort to crack

Job Description, Qualification, and Expectations:

Primary activities in this position include, but are not limited to:
- Expression and purification of the protein complexes for biochemical and 
structural studies
- Structure determination of the protein complexes by cryo-EM or/and X-ray 
- Biochemical assays to characterize the recombinant protein complexes
- Providing intellectual contributions to the projects including writing 
manuscripts, fellowship application and helping PI for grant applications
- Ph.D. in structural biology (X-ray crystallography, cryo-EM) is strongly 

If interested, please email a cover letter, CV, and two reference letters to 
Applications will be screened until a suitable candidate is found.  Indiana 
University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer.


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