It is not necessary to do error-prone conversions manually: the ifort Compiler 
understands the convert='VAXD' Option in its OPEN statement - see

Thus one could just write a tiny read-write loop.


On Wed, 14 Nov 2018 00:51:02 +0000, Zhijie Li <> wrote:

>It's also said here, at the end of file :
>"add 1 to the left, with the binary point"
>From: CCP4 bulletin board <CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK> on behalf of Zhijie Li 
>Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2018 7:43 PM
>Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] VERY old mtz file..
>Hi all,
>I think I know why it is a division of 4 instead of 2 is involved in 
>conversion from VAX to IEEE now. Short answer: a 2 is in the exponent bits 
>(bias of 128 instead of 127, visible), another 2 is hidden in the scientific 
>I found this explanation+example on VAX F-float:
>So for IEEE754 float32, if we want to represent a same 12.75 (1100.11) in the 
>above example, we  would first conceptually write it in scientific notation as 
>1.10011 x 1000 in binary. Then the mantissa part is the part after the dot 
>filled with zero to 23 bits: '10011000000000000000000', the exponent part is 
>3+127=130 (dec)=10000010(bin). Then the binary IEEE754 float32 number is 
>0[10000010][10011000000000000000000]. (You can check it here: 
>Now compare this with the VAX 12.75 in the linked example, we can find that 
>besides the bias becoming 128, the conceptual binary scientific notation is 
>actually  0.110011 x 10000, instead of 1.10011 x 1000.  So the exponent needed 
>is 4 instead of 3. Then the exponent bits are 4+128=132=10000100 and the VAX 
>float32 becomes
>0[10000100][10011000000000000000000] ---if we write in a IEEE-style order. 
>Note that the mantissa appears to be same as the ieee mantissa, and the 
>exponent to be applied is 132-128=4. If this number is interpreted as IEEE754, 
>then it will be 1.10011 x 2exp(132-127)=1.10011 x 100000, four times of what 
>it should be.
>So, for normalised values, rearranging the VAX F-float bytes, reading as IEEE, 
>then dividing by 4 gives the correct value. (The C[0]-1 treatment in the ccp4 
>lib is neat.)
>In this link describing VAX floats, it is unfortunate that it only states that 
>the bias for F-float is 128, but not that the mantissa starts from 0.01 
>instead of 0.1. Therefore the confusion.
>Thanks to all responded!
>From: Ian Tickle <>
>Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2018 4:54 PM
>To: Zhijie Li
>Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] VERY old mtz file..
>Hi Zhijie
>It's definitely a factor 4.  The code is in subroutine QTIEEE in the Fortran 
>source I mentioned previously at this line:
>See line:
>      A(I)=((A(I)+SIGN(2,A(I)))/4.AND..NOT.MNAN).OR.MDN2
>If you prefer it in C code it's in function vaxF2ieeeF in:
>See line:
>out.c[0] = buffer[i].c[1] - (uint8)1; /* subtracts 2 from exponent */
>i.e. subtract 2 from exponent -> division by 4.
>-- Ian
>On Tue, 13 Nov 2018 at 19:52, Zhijie Li 
><<>> wrote:
>If somebody is going to send these files by email, please send one to me too. 
>Thanks in advance. I actually prefer to get a MTZ file because the miller 
>indices would serve as good clues for understanding the encodings.  Even the 
>first 1024 bytes of an MTZ would do (data array starts at byte 80 in MTZ).
>In my life I had only seen ieee754.  According to what I can find, VAX has an 
>exponent bias of 128 (ieee754 uses 127). Then it seems to me that when 
>converting from vax to ieee a division of 2 is involved. However all 
>procedures I have seen use a division of 4, which is quite puzzling to me. A 
>real data file containing meaningful numbers (eg., HKL indices) would be very 
>helpful. Thanks in advance.
>> On Nov 13, 2018, at 2:21 PM, Johan Hattne 
>> <<>> wrote:
>> Related by not exactly on topic: would anybody on the list be able to share 
>> old map files (not MTZ:s) with Convex, Cray, Fujitsu, or VAX reals/strings?  
>> I�d be interested to see what those files actually look(ed) like.
>> // Best wishes; Johan
>>> On Nov 9, 2018, at 18:38, Zhijie Li 
>>> <<>> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> On linux there are a few good GUI HEX editors. Here I�d like to recommend 
>>> BLESS, which conveniently displays all possible numerical interpretations 
>>> of the four bytes under cursor. It also allows the user to switch between 
>>> big endian or little endian through a checkbox. Unfortunately all floats 
>>> are assumed to be IEEE754, therefore VAX floats won�t be interpreted 
>>> correctly.  ( The simplest way to convert vax to ieee float would be to 
>>> write a little program to do some bit operations. I�d be happy to take that 
>>> as my weekend project)
>>> BTW, along the line of space efficiency, I can�t help noticing that the 
>>> miller indices are saved as float32 in mtz, as all other numbers in mtz. 
>>> This certainly have made mtz format a beautiful homogeneous data format ;). 
>>>  In this particular case, if we have doubts about the reliability of the 
>>> machine stamp, trying to restore the miller indices would be a good way to 
>>> test hypotheses.
>>> Zhijie
>>>> On Nov 9, 2018, at 9:04 PM, James Holton 
>>>> <<>>
>>>>  wrote:
>>>> As a beamline scientist I must say I am glad that diffraction image data 
>>>> is not usually stored as ASCII text.  In fact, I am slowly warming to the 
>>>> idea of storing it as not just binary, but compressed formats.  Problem, 
>>>> I'm sure will be that it won't be  long before we forget how to decompress 
>>>> them, as most of the algorithms we are using aren't all that widespread.  
>>>> Probably around the same time future generations will curse us for using 
>>>> ASCII instead of unicode, which is a 16-bit standard. I'm sure we will be 
>>>> reviled for limiting ourselves so, just to save a factor of two in disk 
>>>> space.
>>>> In situations like this I always use the unix "od" command.  It makes 
>>>> everything "human readable" by converting the bytes into strings you can 
>>>> read.  Then it is just a matter of figuring out what the bytes are.
>>>> Unfortunately, "od" only decodes floats on the native platform, so if the 
>>>> mtz is from another platform (Windows vs Linux, for example), then you 
>>>> might need to do some swapping.  Thus far, I have encountered files that 
>>>> require one of a few swapping strategies in order to make them work:
>>>> 1 2 3 4 - no swapping
>>>> 4 3 2 1 - reverse all bytes
>>>> 3 4 1 2 - swap words and swap bytes within the words
>>>> 2 1 4 3 - reverse of previous
>>>> 2-1 1 4 3 - same as last, but if not all zero, decrement byte #2 before 
>>>> swapping
>>>> 3 4 1 2+1 - same as 3412, but if not all zero increment byte #2 before 
>>>> swapping
>>>> I'm sure there are other combinations, but the oldest MTZ I have is only 
>>>> from 1996.
>>>> -James Holton
>>>> MAD Scientist
>>>>> On 11/9/2018 4:47 AM, Eleanor Dodson wrote:
>>>>> Anyone any idea what to do about this?? Created in 1992!!
>>>>> Seems unreadable..
>>>>> No CTYP lines input for file:  1
>>>>>    Indices output even if all data items flagged "missing"
>>>>> Warning, NOT all LABOUT data lines given
>>>>> Warning: Machine stamp corrupted? Assuming native format.
>>>>>>>>>>> CCP4 library signal library_file:End of File (Error)
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