Hello Mike,

This is just a guess. From the error message it seems that it’s trying to write 
to the root directory of your filesystem.

I am assuming you are using the old ccp4i interface. It might be because the 
ccp4i project directory you’re running it under has been set to / or is empty. 
If so, best set it to a user directory you can write to.

Best wishes
Helen Ginn

> Date:    Mon, 8 Jul 2019 12:21:39 +0530
> From:    Mike Xishan <mike.xis...@gmail.com>
> Subject: Error in Aimless task!
> Hello everyone,
> Data reduction with Aimless from (CCP4i) fails with error message as below
> FILEIO: cannot open file /Processing1_8_pointless.xml
> How can this error be fixed?  Comment please...
> Thanks
> Mike
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