>  if you're in even vaguely warm or temperate regions (or seasons), cooling
> the intake air to 4C brings it to below dew point, and then condensation
> and snow are guaranteed.

I once serviced a robot in a 4C room in Singapore, which didn't seem to
have any kind of dehumidification - or maybe it had broken down.  Water was
running feely down the walls and poling on the floor, and the robot was
covered in condensation.  Every non-stainless screw on the controller,
computer, robot etc was rusty.  Interestingly, both the robot and the
computer still worked.


On Wed, Sep 25, 2019 at 6:04 AM Frank Von Delft <frank.vonde...@sgc.ox.ac.uk>

> My colleague Opher Gileadi gave us an excellent tip when we were designing
> our 4C harvesting room, over a decade ago:  *set it to 7C*.  The crystals
> are unlikely to mind, but it's SO much more comfortable to be in for
> hours.
> I seem to remember he mentioned something like a comfort inflection point
> as you approach 4C.
> *Install low-flow fans*.  Fridge people seem to default to installing
> hurricane machines, you have to tell them that a very very small flow is
> enough.
> *Get strong light* - probably even those daylight things (we don't have
> them).  Being cold is miserable enough already, there's no need to compound
> it with weak light.
> *Vibration* - that dwindles to insignificance if the air flow goes down.
> *Humidity* - we installed (at considerable expense) a low humidity air
> supply - really hard to know just how much it helps, but a few years ago
> when I had it turned it off to help save energy, very quickly I heard
> complaints about snow in the liquid nitrogen becoming a major hassle.  So
> based on that set of anecdotes, I conclude it probably *is* worth having
> dry air.
> It's *much* cheaper though if they can design it into the building's
> infrastructure, if it's a new building;  retrofitting turned out to be
> super expensive (in our case).
> As dry as possible.  Look at and understand the psychrometric chart
> (google it):  if you're in even vaguely warm or temperate regions (or
> seasons), cooling the intake air to 4C brings it to below dew point, and
> then condensation and snow are guaranteed.
> *Size* - make it as big as you can get away with, with lots of bench and
> shelf space.  Your students will already be miserably cold, no need for
> them to be cramped too.
> Good luck!
> Frank
> On 24/09/2019 23:40, Scott, Emily wrote:
> Anyone out there specifically design rooms for (protein) crystallization
> at ~22 deg and 4 deg C?  If you have successes or failures and can share
> any design specs with regard to vibration, temperature, and humidity
> tolerances, it would be much appreciated to pass on to the architects for
> our new laboratory.
> Sincerely,
> Emily Scott
> --
> Emily Scott, Ph.D.
> Professor, Medicinal Chemistry/Pharmacology/Biophysics
> Faculty Director, BioNMR Core Lab
> University of Michigan
> 428 Church Street
> Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1065
> Phone:  734-764-3530
> https://pharmacy.umich.edu/people/scottee
> Lab webpage:  http://scottlab.info
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