Hello, it looks as though the No observations that phenix is reporting is 
exactly twice the number of unique reflections. Perhaps phenix is reporting the 
merging statistics for the Friedel pairs (i.e. F(+) and F(-)) within your 
merged dataset. Hence the stats look much better than those for the raw data 
fed to Aimless. I think you should be able to make a perfectly respectable 
Table 1 with the merging stats from Mosflm/Aimless and the refinement stats 
from phenix but others will know how to do it properly.
    On Monday, 28 October 2019, 20:05:52 GMT, Nemanja Vuksanovic 
<nema...@uwm.edu> wrote:  
  Dear All,
I need a bit of help with an issue I am encountering with one of my datasets 
when using phenix.refine. After processing data with Mosflm I get the following 

Overall InnerShell OuterShell
Low resolution limit                       65.69     65.69      2.55High 
resolution limit                       2.45      8.83      2.45Rmerge  (within 
I+/I-)                     0.127     0.057     0.817
Rmerge  (all I+ and I-)                    0.130     0.058     0.848Rmeas 
(within I+/I-)                        0.140     0.063     0.898Rmeas (all I+ & 
I-)                          0.136     0.061     0.888Rpim (within I+/I-)       
                    0.058     0.027     0.373Rpim (all I+ & I-)                 
            0.040     0.019     0.263Rmerge in top intensity bin             
0.062        -         - Total number of observations         288903      5972  
   32430Total number unique                        25576       592      
2857Mean((I)/sd(I))                                  13.1      23.6       
3.5Mn(I) half-set correlation CC(1/2)     0.998     0.998     0.874Completeness 
                                  100.0      99.7     100.0Multiplicity         
                               11.3      10.1      11.4Mean(Chi^2)              
                       1.08      0.72      0.96Anomalous completeness           
      100.0      99.9     100.0
Anomalous multiplicity                       5.8       5.6       5.8DelAnom 
correlation between half-sets     -0.270    -0.466    -0.055Mid-Slope of Anom 
Normal Probability       0.788       -         -  
After molecular replacement with PHASER and then refinement with Phenix.refine, 
(defauIt settings in both) I generated a TABLE 1 in PHENIX and noticed that the 
total number of observations has dropped, significantly lowering multiplicity 
and R factors. Could you perhaps give me your opinion on what might be causing 
this discrepancy?I'd be happy to provide the mtz file and any other information 
if needed.
Table 1.  Data collection and refinement statistics.
Resolution range 56.89  - 2.451 (2.539  - 2.451)
Space group I 2 3
Unit cell 160.9 160.9 160.9 90 90 90
Total reflections 51076 (5030)
Unique reflections 25538 (2515)
Multiplicity 2.0 (2.0)
Completeness (%) 99.96 (100.00)
Mean I/sigma(I) 13.37 (3.56)
Wilson B-factor 41.08
R-merge 0.0263 (0.1879)
R-meas 0.03719 (0.2657)
R-pim 0.0263 (0.1879)
CC1/2 0.999 (0.895)
CC* 1 (0.972)
Reflections used in refinement 25532 (2515)
Reflections used for R-free 1300 (121)
R-work 0.2698 (0.3589)
R-free 0.3115 (0.3897)
CC(work) 0.908 (0.679)
CC(free) 0.885 (0.444)
Number of non-hydrogen atoms 2310
  macromolecules 2310
Protein residues 286
RMS(bonds) 0.010
RMS(angles) 1.01
Ramachandran favored (%) 96.40
Ramachandran allowed (%) 2.52
Ramachandran outliers (%) 1.08
Rotamer outliers (%) 0.00
Clashscore 8.47
Average B-factor 43.55

Best Regards,Nemanja Vuksanovic
Graduate StudentDepartment of Chemistry and BiochemistryUniversity of 

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