Hello, you are right but you can get round it by reading in a cif for D-ala 
first i.e. 'Import cif dictionary' before doing the 'Get Monomer' thing. I got 
the cif file from the web (its attached). If you do this in the right order you 
do get a D-ala on the screen!
    On Wednesday, 30 October 2019, 18:38:56 GMT, Pavel Mader 
<mader.pa...@seznam.cz> wrote:  
 Hi everyone,
if I load D-Ala (Get monomer DAL) in Coot and superpose (LSQ) it with regular 
L-Ala (ALA), the two amino acids look identical to me (not mirror images of 
each other), see attached image. I have the same problem with D-His. Is this 
normal, or am I missing something?

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Attachment: Component_data_DAL.cif
Description: Binary data

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