Hi Dusan,

I am pretty sure

"It is well accepted that the criteria for resolution cutoff should consider 
both I/SigI and Rmerge for the outer most shell. For data sets collected at 
synchrotron sources, the criteria of I/SigI > 5 and Rmerge <50% can be taken as 
a good practical reference.”

has been considered obsolete for a number of years - the efforts of many have 
shown that this is not good practice, including but not limited to Karplus & 
Diederichs - https://science.sciencemag.org/content/336/6084/1030.long

The suggestion above is to throw away large amounts of almost certainly useful 
information, which cannot give rise to a better model

Best wishes Graeme

On 28 Feb 2020, at 08:22, dusan turk 
<dusan.t...@ijs.si<mailto:dusan.t...@ijs.si>> wrote:


Browsing through the recent discussion on EM data resolution cutoff it occurred 
to me that the X-ray diffraction community isn’t that unanimous either.

My stand:

When the default resolution cutoff provided with the data processing software 
in electron density map calculation and refinement delivers quality maps 
noisier than expected and/or too high R-factors I start adjusting the 
resolution cutoff by lowering the resolution and trying alternative space 
group.   Hence, I allow the data processing programs to suggest where to draw 
the line (be it CC1/2, I/sigI, R merge, R sym, R p.i.m. and R r.i.m, …) , 
unless there are problems.

Doing so, I came into a dispute with a referee who shaped his request:

"It is well accepted that the criteria for resolution cutoff should consider 
both I/SigI and Rmerge for the outer most shell. For data sets collected at 
synchrotron sources, the criteria of I/SigI > 5 and Rmerge <50% can be taken as 
a good practical reference.”

So where do we stand? Which are the most objective criteria for resolution 
cutoff to be used in diffraction data processing? Which number of shells to use 
when calculating the statistics? Do we have a consensus?

best wishes,

dusan turk

Dr. Dusan Turk, Prof.
Head of Structural Biology Group http://stef.ijs.si/
Head of Centre for Protein  and Structure Production
Centre of excellence for Integrated Approaches in Chemistry and Biology of 
Proteins, Scientific Director
e-mail: dusan.t...@ijs.si
phone: +386 1 477 3857       Dept. of Biochem.& Mol.& Struct. Biology
fax:      +386 1 477 3984       Jozef Stefan Institute
                           Jamova 39, 1 000 Ljubljana,Slovenia
Skype: dusan.turk (voice over internet: www.skype.com


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