Hi John,

Sure, happy to do this, just as soon as I figure how to do this automatically 

Thank you Gerard for your kind words - as people will note there are a couple 
of rough edges at the moment (as illustrated with typos) - however once these 
are tidied up I’ll circulate the location of the code and dependencies for the 
upload so other facilities can follow suit.

If people find any issues with the uploads then please get in touch (off list)

Best wishes Graeme

On 27 Mar 2020, at 19:56, John Berrisford 
<j...@ebi.ac.uk<mailto:j...@ebi.ac.uk>> wrote:


This is great news.

Can you let us at the PDB know the DOI's for each dataset so that we can 
associate the raw images with the PDB entry.  We will be able to then show 
links to the raw images from PDB entry pages so that everyone can find them.

Many thanks


John Berrisford
+44 1223 492529<tel:+44%201223%20492529>
European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI) European Molecular Biology 
Laboratory Wellcome Trust Genome Campus Hinxton Cambridge CB10 1SD 
On Mar 27 2020, at 7:26 pm, Gerard Bricogne 
<g...@globalphasing.com<mailto:g...@globalphasing.com>> wrote:
Dear all, It is a pleasure to be able to end the (GMT) week by calling for a 
huge round of applause for the Diamond team, who this afternoon started 
uploading a large collection of sets of raw diffraction images (77 as we write 
but the upload is still ongoing) for PDB entries that were released two days 
ago. Special thanks to Graeme Winter who organised the upload to Zenodo. The 
datasets are collectively accessible via the following link: 
 Graeme asked that "major kudos [be given] to Zenodo developers who have been 
very responsive with helping us do automated downloads". Happy scrutiny and 
reprocessing of these datasets, and re-refinement of the associated structures, 
to all hard-core MX addicts! With best wishes, Clemens & Gerard. -- On Thu, Mar 
19, 2020 at 10:00:11AM +0000, John Berrisford wrote: > Dear all > > The wwPDB 
OneDep system allows depositors to provide DOIs of raw > diffraction images 
during deposition to the PDB and once again > encourages depositors to provide 
a DOI for raw images when they have > submitted. > > Out of the 9665 X-ray 
entries that were released in 2019 we have DOI's > for raw images in 205 of 
these entries. > > We would encourage depositors to provide the DOI for their 
raw images > when they are available. > > Regards > > John > > > On Mar 19 
2020, at 9:48 am, Joel Sussman wrote: > > > 19-Mar-2020 > > Dear Loes, Peter, 
Clemens & Gerard, > > I concur that it is crucial to preserve the original 
diffraction data > > and make it available to anyone who would like to use it. 
> > As an example, please see the very recent paper by  > > Nachon et al 
(2020). "A second look at the crystal structures of > > Drosophila melanogaster 
acetylcholinesterase in complex with tacrine > > derivatives provides Insights 
concerning catalytic intermediates and > > the design of specific insecticides" 
Molecules 25 pii: E1198  > > [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/32155891]. > 
> The study reexamines the original data, with modern software tools, > > the 
original data of a paper we published in 2000 (~20 years ago) and > > revealed 
features that had not been noticed. Specifically  > > 1) previously unmodeled 
density in the native active site can be > > interpreted as stable acetylation 
of the catalytic serine.  > > 2) Similarly, a strong density in the DmAChE/ZA 
complex, originally > > attributed to a sulfate ion, is better interpreted as a 
small molecule > > that is covalently bound. The complex is reminiscent of the 
> > carboxylate/BChE complexes observed in crystal structures of hBChE > > 
[Brazzolotto et al, 2012; Nicolet et al, 2003], and demonstrates the > > 
remarkable ability of ChEs to stabilize covalent complexes with carboxylates. > 
> Thus, the study demonstrates that updated processing of older > > diffraction 
images, and the re-refinement of older diffraction data, > > can produce 
valuable information that could not be detected in the > > original analysis, 
and strongly supports the preservation of the > > diffraction images in public 
data banks. > > Best regards > > Joel > > 
 > > Prof. Joel L. Sussman.        
www.weizmann.ac.il/~joel<http://www.weizmann.ac.il/~joel> > > Dept. of 
Structural Biology   tel: +972  (8) 934 6309       
proteopedia.org<http://proteopedia.org> > > Weizmann Institute of Science fax: 
+972  (8) 934 6312 > > Rehovot 76100 ISRAEL          mob: +972 (50) 510 9600 > 
 > > > > > >> On 19 Mar 2020, at 11:32, Kroon-Batenburg, L.M.J. (Loes) > >> 
wrote: > >> > >> Dear Gerard, > >> > >> This is a great idea. Of course I am 
very much in favour of making > >> available raw diffraction images, and such a 
virtual workshop could > >> demonstrate the usefulness of reprocessing raw 
diffraction data and > >> structural refinements. I am not at all afraid that 
archiving of raw > >> data that are the basis of a scientific paper will have 
significant > >> environmental effects: this is minor compared to our everyday 
use of > >> cloud services.  And as Graeme mentioned: when archiving raw data > 
>> make sure to add sufficient and correct meta data. > >> > >> Best wishes, > 
>> Loes > >> > >> ___________________________________________________________ > 
>> Dr. Loes Kroon-Batenburg > >> Dept. of Crystal and Structural Chemistry > >> 
Bijvoet Center for Biomolecular Research > >> Utrecht University > >> Padualaan 
8, 3584 CH Utrecht > >> The Netherlands > >> > >> E-mail : 
l.m.j.kroon-batenb...@uu.nl<mailto:l.m.j.kroon-batenb...@uu.nl> > >> phone  : 
+31-30-2532865 > >> fax    : +31-30-2533940 > >> > >> Van: CCP4 bulletin board 
namens Gerard > >> Bricogne > >> Verzonden: woensdag 18 maart 2020 23:30 > >> 
Aan: CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK<mailto:CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK>  > >> Onderwerp: 
[ccp4bb] Raw diffraction images for SARS-CoV-2 related structures > >>   > >> 
Dear colleagues, > >> > >> Perusal and some initial (re-)refinement of the 
various SARS-CoV-2 protease > >> structures in the PDB seems to indicate that 
that there might be potential > >> to improve these if refinements could be 
repeated after some reprocessing > >> and further analysis of the raw 
diffraction images, rather than > >> against the > >> deposited merged data. 
This statement should in no way be construed > >> as a > >> criticism of the 
remarkable achievements of the research groups concerned, > >> who have been 
operating under tremendous time pressure, but as an exciting > >> opportunity 
to push methods to their limits on a uniquely significant class > >> of 
structures. > >> > >> Another consideration is that the various logistical 
problems created by > >> COVID-19 may soon make it increasingly difficult to 
collect new diffraction > >> data on potential drug targets relevant to the 
fight against SARS-CoV-2, > >> underlining the importance of ensuring that the 
best results be obtained > >> from every dataset actually collected, and that 
the most useful conclusions > >> be drawn from the analysis of those datasets 
towards improving the quality > >> of subsequent data collections.  > >> > >> 
On this basis we would like to propose that special efforts be made > >> to 
grant > >> public access to the raw image data associated with any SARS-CoV-2 
related > >> structure that is deposited into the PDB. This can be done by (1) 
archiving > >> these raw image data using resources such as 
data.sbgrid.org<http://data.sbgrid.org>, zenodo.org<http://zenodo.org>, > >> 
proteindiffraction.org<http://proteindiffraction.org> or any other cloud-based 
data-sharing service, and > >> (2) communicating the corresponding DOIs to the 
wwPDB centres. This idea > >> could be extended to datasets that investigators 
would like to offer to > >> interested methods developers or expert users at 
the pre-deposition stage. > >> > >> Experts making use of those raw data would 
be encouraged to document, > >> in as > >> much detail as possible, how 
particular programs or workflows could > >> be used > >> on those 
structures/datasets to obtain the best results. This would > >> be a > >> kind 
of "virtual workshop", a particularly valuable collective > >> activity at > >> 
the present time when several in-person workshops (e.g. RapiData) > >> have 
been > >> cancelled and many meetings are in limbo for several months. > >> > 
>> The latter activity would benefit from having a centralised facility > >> 
set up > >> for the experts to post their results and annotations: we could > 
>> create such > >> a facility, but other, larger groups might want to consider 
doing so.  > >> > >> > >> With best wishes, > >> > >> Clemens & Gerard. > >> > 
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