1. We need renowned scientists on Twitter because it is one of the best
ways to spread words worth reading, mostly at these times when so many
pseudo-scientists are influencers on social media (or worse, some even have
a show on Netflix).
2. I'm voting for Mass Spec right now

On Tue, Mar 31, 2020 at 5:06 PM Guillaume Gaullier <guilla...@gaullier.org>

> One remark about Jürgen’s comment (quoted below).
> It is great that well established scientists use Twitter, because by doing
> so they implicitly accept to be contacted publicly and to engage in public
> conversations (assuming their account is public, which is the default when
> you sign up on Twitter). Why is that great? Well, this tremendously lowers
> the barrier to engaging in discussions with established scientists,
> especially for early career researchers (like myself) who would not
> necessarily dare sending a direct email to more senior scientists. Posting
> to mailing lists such as the present one is no substitute to directly
> getting the personal attention of your field’s leading experts, like it can
> happen on Twitter.
> The main problem with Twitter is its business model that promotes the most
> outrageous (or "engaging", in Twitter lingo) content, click-bait and the
> like. But fundamentally, Twitter is only a communication tool just like
> this mailing list, being different by its focus on spontaneity instead of
> accurate archiving of conversations. I believe the spontaneity it brings is
> valuable, despite its toxic business model, which can be circumvented for
> the most part (by unfollowing accounts that post click-bait and by
> exercising a healthy amount of self-discipline, i.e. thinking twice before
> posting or reposting something potentially click-bait-y).
> Guillaume (@Guillawme)
> On 31 Mar 2020, at 21:00, Jurgen Bosch <jxb...@case.edu> wrote:
> I personally tweet, and I know a lot of well established scientists that
> tweet too.
> Don't pretend Twitter is only junk, there are a lot of serious scientist
> tweeting good and valuable information. True there are enough stupid people
> tweeting BS.
> Jürgen
> P.S. Follow me on Twitter @Bosch_Lab
> On Mar 31, 2020, at 2:01 PM, Gloria Borgstahl <gborgst...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> I personally don't tweet.
> On Tue, Mar 31, 2020 at 12:21 PM Sweet, Robert <
> 000027e0eb9d20ec-dmarc-requ...@jiscmail.ac.uk> wrote:
>> Real Men (and possibly Women too) Don't Tweet.
>> Bob
>> ________________________________________
>> From: CCP4 bulletin board <CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK> on behalf of James
>> Holton <jmhol...@lbl.gov>
>> Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2020 12:18 PM
>> Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] Vote for cryoEM
>> Allessandro,
>> The link you provide directs to a website hosted at someting called "
>> twitter.com".  My spam filter flagged it as junk.
>> -James Holton
>> MAD Scientist
>> On 3/31/2020 8:41 AM, Alessandro Vannini wrote:
>> We are head to head with mass-spectrometry in the #JBCMethodsMadness
>> CHAMPIONSHIP. This can’t happen!
>> Get out and VOTE! 15 min to go!
>> https://twitter.com/jbiolchem/status/1244655631316987905?s=20<
>> https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://twitter.com/jbiolchem/status/1244655631316987905?s=20__;!!P4SdNyxKAPE!QXCVmZuWG8FEmwM9FbPP-f3LEbH6bMcORBgYwRGHCpxZF7cWEHW9OsXmS5uQ_Q$
>> >
>> [cid:part2.4691618D.6AA0935A@lbl.gov]
>> Sent from my iPhone
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Dr. Javier M. González
Instituto de Bionanotecnología del NOA (INBIONATEC-CONICET)
Universidad Nacional de Santiago del Estero (UNSE)
RN9, Km 1125. Villa El Zanjón. (G4206XCP)
Santiago del Estero. Argentina
Tel: +54-(0385)-4238352


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