
I would like to draw your attention to the following position available at the 
MAX IV Laboratory:

Beamline scientist BioMAX (Teamleader FragMAX)

BioMAX is the first operational beamline for macromolecular crystallography at 
MAX IV and runs within the MAX IV user program for the last 3 years. The 
beamline is a state-of-the-art beamline geared towards high-throughput protein 
crystallography with high performance x-ray optics and control systems, 
goniometry, x-ray detectors and a cryogenic sample changer (see also: 
http://www.maxiv.se/biomax). The beamline is able to provide remote access to 
the users. As part of the user facilities available at BioMAX, we are 
developing the FragMAX platform, with the aim to develop and operate a 
crystallographic fragment screening facility at MAX IV.

The beamline is operated by the international and interdisciplinary BioMAX 
team, which is part of the MX-group. Within the MX group we are also 
constructing and developing MicroMAX, a serial crystallography beamline for 
studying protein dynamics.

We are now looking for a beam line scientist who will lead the FragMAX project 
team. We think you enjoy working in an international and creative environment. 
You will join our team working at the BioMAX beamline to further develop the 
FragMAX screening platform. This includes constant development of relevant 
processes to carry out fragment screening at all levels of our support chain, 
support of users during screening experiments and standard beamline support, 
collaborations with external partners such as the LP3 laboratory, industrial 
partners as well as other international collaborators and future FragMAX user 

You are expected to work both independently and in close collaboration with the 
entire BioMAX team and with academic and industrial collaboration partners. 
User support will be an important part of the activity. The MX environment will 
provide opportunities for collaborative work at the frontiers of the field 
structural biology.

For more information on this position and requirements see

https://lu.varbi.com/en/what:job/jobID:323338/iframeEmbedded:0/where:4 or 
contact at MAX IV: 
marjolein.thunnis...@maxiv.lu.se<mailto:marjolein.thunnis...@maxiv.lu.se> .

Thanks for your attention,



Dr. Marjolein Thunnissen
Life Science Director
MAX IV Laboratory
Lund University
P.O. Box 118, SE-221 00 Lund, Sweden
Visiting address: Fotongatan 2, 225 94 Lund
Telephone:    +46 46 2224668
Mobile:          +46 766 32 04 17


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