We are seeking applicants for a postdoc position in structural biology to join 
the research team of Professor Gregers Rom Andersen at the Department of 
Molecular Biology and Genetics for pursuing structure determination of a 
receptor-ligand complex. The position is for a starting period of 2 years and 
is available from 1st September 2020 or as soon as possible hereafter.

The project concerns structural studies of immunoglobulin E (IgE ) and its 
receptors to clarify how antibody binding to receptors elicits immune 
responses. The structural targets are complexes of recombinant IgE antibodies 
and recombinant IgE receptors. Nanobody development may be used for target 
modulation and stabilization. Structure determination will take advantage of 
single particle cryo-EM. Grid screening and data collection will take place at 
local Titan Krios microscopes and international facilities like eBIC. An 
excellent computational infrastructure for single particle EM data processing 
is available through a common computational cluster.

Applicants should hold a PhD in molecuar biology, biochemistry, nanotechnology, 
biomedicine or related field. Candidates with experience in membrane protein 
purification and single particle EM will be preferred, but prior experience 
with other structural biology techniques is also considered positive.

More information is available at 



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