Well - you can see two maps overlapped in coot if the coordinates of
protein A and B can be overlapped. Read in cords a and map a, coordinated b
and map b. Then match b to a and the map b can be shifted by the same
matrix.  Then you can scroll each map as you wish...

On Tue, 12 May 2020 at 07:31, Alexandre Ourjoumtsev <
alexander.ourjoumt...@univ-lorraine.fr> wrote:

> Dear Murpholino,
> there is a couple of articles addressing specifically this issue :
> Urzhumtsev, A., Afonine, P.V., Lunin, V.Y., Terwilliger, T.C., Adams, P.D.
> (2014) "Metrics for comparison of crystallographic maps". *Acta Cryst., *
> *D70**, *2593-2606
> Urzhumtseva, L., Urzhumtsev, A. (2016) "COMPaRS: stand-alone program for
> map comparison using quantile rang scaling". *J. Appl.Cryst., **49*,
> 2270-2275.
> Best regards,
> Sacha Urzhumtsev
> ----- Le 12 Mai 20, à 0:18, Murpholino Peligro <murpholi...@gmail.com> a
> écrit :
> I want to compare electron density features of map A from protein A and
> map B from protein B...
> Because each map has a different rmsd level...
> ...what is the best way to compare electron density between maps?
> Is there a way to normalize maps or something like that?
> Thanks
> ------------------------------
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